When you initiate a booking for proctoring services, the system will show your request as Under Review until it can be confirmed. Typically, the more flexible you are with the date and time of your exam, the higher the probability that AES will be able to accommodate your request. Please note that while your request is listed as Under Review, we are in the midst of finding space for your students - they have not yet been scheduled with AES.
There are two levels of scheduling access through My SDC Online: partial and full scheduling access. Please refer to the sections below for the differences between levels.
Partial Scheduling Access
One or more of your students have an accommodation to take their exams in our office (listed as SDC administers exams on the accommodation letter). You are able to schedule exams in the portal for these specific students, but students who do not have this accommodation are not scheduled. Partial scheduling access is automatically granted when you have a student with this accommodation.

Full Scheduling Access
AES has granted you full scheduling access for your course. When you schedule an exam in the portal, all of your students with accommodations are notified and are able to confirm their exam time for that exam, even students who do not have the SDC administers exams accommodation. Full scheduling access generally needs to be requested by the faculty for their course.

You can always view your scheduling access for a course in the My SDC Online:

To access the scheduling system, login to the portal and navigate to the Exam Information module below your list of students with accommodations. If you do not see the Exam Information module, you can reach out to AES to request scheduling access.