Group of Students Sitting and Talking


Group of New and Prospective Students on a Walk

New and Perspective Undergraduate, Graduate, and Professional School Students

Welcome!  We’re glad you’re here - use this page to get started. New and prospective students commonly wonder …

  • When I should contact SDC to discuss my disability and set up accommodations?
    • It’s important to initiate the interactive process with the SDC soon after you make a commitment to attend UCD to discuss your accommodation requests and available services.
  • Will I have the same accommodations I had in High School or other College/University?
    • Accommodation and services are determined on a case-by-case basis and dependent on a student’s current functional limitations. Often, students are approved for the same, or similar, services at each school they attend. Occasionally, an accommodation that was appropriate in another setting represents a fundamental alteration to a course, program, or Housing and Dining services at UC Davis and cannot be authorized.  
  • What type of documentation do I need to register for services with the SDC?
Before you go...
We also have detailed information for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, Personal Assistants as well as some general Student Q&A.
Returning Students Celebrating

Returning Undergraduate, Graduate, and Professional School Students

Welcome Back!  We’re here to help you get up to speed. 
Everything you need to know …

  • How do I re-establish eligibility so that I can receive accommodations again?
    • If you have you have not attended UC Davis for a quarter or more, you will need to make an appointment with your SDC Specialist to review your accommodations and make adjustments if necessary. 
  • How can I make an appointment with my Specialist so I can get a current Letter of Accommodation?
    • To schedule a meeting to review your accommodations with your specialist call (530) 752-3184 Monday through Friday from 8:00am to 12:00 Noon or between 1:00pm and 4:00pm, come by the Student Disability Drop-in Center, or email us at
  • How do update my documentation so that my record is current with SDC?
    • It is recommended that you scheduled an appointment with your SDC Specialist upon your return to campus. At that time we will review documentation for currency and discuss any changes you may have had in your absence. Updated documentation of your functional limitations may be required.

Tips & Tricks

  • Academic accommodations should be formally authorized through the Student Disability Center
  • Send Letter(s) of Accommodation to your instructors within the first two weeks of each quarter
  • Contact your SDC Specialist for assistance if you or your instructor have questions about your accommodations
  • Check-in with your instructor(s) to confirm the logistics of accommodated exam one week in advance of test dates
  • Connect with DRAC – Associated Students Disability Rights Advisory Committee
  • If you are receive extended time on exams, make every effort to schedule no more than 2 classes back-to-back to allow for the extra time you will need when scheduling your tests